Efficient and reliable products for all your unique requirements.
We offer services that prioritize customer satisfaction at every step.
FLUXiM AG offers swiss-made software and hardware for R&D on OLEDs, displays, lighting, and solar cells to industry and academia all over the world. They began their journey at the Institute of Computational Physics at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Their software has been designed for stimulating the fundamental operational mechanisms of LEDs and solar cells (organic, perovskites, and quantum-dots), also at the large-scale. Their hardware products Paios, Phelos, and Litos are all-in-one measurement platforms with integrated analysis software for electrical and optical device characterization, parameter extraction, and model validation. They also offer services like training, consulting, software development, and specific device characterization for prospective.
We can help you with a solution tailor to your specific need.